
    About Mel-Jol - Every year in last week of December, there is an alumni meet called "Mel-Jol" during which we also bid farewell to final year students. An exciting night of nostalgia, fun, and cherished moments with the Aishwarya family awaits you! Let’s relive the joy and spirit of our alma mater together at Mel-Jol 2024.
    Registration details
    Membership of AIAA - Aishwarya Institutes’ Alumni Association (For all Alumni)
    - Lifetime membership fee of the Aishwarya Institutions’ Alumni Association (AIAA) is INR 1500
    - Mel-Jol fee 2024 is INR 1000 (Non-refundable; includes dinner)

    Total amount - INR 2500

    Note: Entry for Mel-Jol will be strictly as per the guest list. No entry without presenting registration amount payment receipt.

    Please fill the form to register for MEL-JOL 2024.
    Alumni details -
    * Required Fields
Full Name:*
Contact number:*
Email address:*
Year of passing out:*
Permanent Address:*
Current post:*
(If currently not working, write NA)
Please upload a latest high-resolution photo *
(No masks, wearing goggles or caps):
Your Social media handles -
    I would like to pay for - *

    I have read, understood and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of AIAA - Aishwarya Institutes’ Alumni Association as and when applicable.
    I also understand that:

    - Organizing team reserves the right to cancel the registration if I fail to adhere to any rules and regulations at any point of time.
    - Organising team and authorities have a final say over any and every aspect of the event, and are not challengeable in any court of law.
    - Organising team and authorities will not be responsible for any harm such as accident, fire, personal loss, theft etc. during event time. It will not be liable in any court of law for occurrence of any natural/unnatural events.
    - I am fully responsible for my decent, acceptable and lawful conduct of my association with Aishwarya College staff members and students.